We stay involved!
Every month we engage with each other and our community.

Pawsperity Scarves
On the 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Kansas City Athenaeum members held a workshop where 342 scarves were produced to donate to Pawsperity for their groomed pups. Thanks to fabric received from The Sewing Labs, even more scarves will be made by our members in this on-going effort to support the needs at the pet grooming school.
Pawsperity is the country's only nonprofit grooming school that trains single parents living in poverty to earn certification as pet groomers. This enables them to find higher paying jobs and reach independent stabilization.

Volunteering at Harvesters
Kansas City Athenaeum members volunteered again at Harvesters in September 2024. The regional food bank has a variety of tasks where volunteers are needed, so our members were not surprised to be given new assignments on this visit. The first task was inspecting and loading frozen sandwiches received from QT and McDonald’s. Then our members filled mesh bags with 8-10 Gala apples, filling cases and cases of bagged apples. Harvesters provides food to community food pantries, shelters, community kitchens, schools, churches, and other agencies in 27 counties of northeast Kansas and northwest Missouri who distribute groceries and meals directly to those in need.

True Light Family Resource Center
Kansas City Athenaeum members volunteered at True Light Family Resource Center in July 2024. Some sorted and marked sizes of clothing and shoes, while others bagged hygiene products for distribution. This nonprofit organization’s mission is to serve individuals and families by providing critical needs, connecting to community resources, as well as teaching job and life skills in a safe and supportive environment.

130th Anniversary Celebration
Kansas City Athenaeum members gathered at Meadowbrook Park in May 2024 to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the club's founding in 1894. Members of longstanding were recognized for their service and contributions, and new members were acknowledged as well. The occasion included installation of officers who will lead our organization for the next 12 months.
View our website's HISTORY timeline to learn more about the Kansas City Athenaeum's accomplishments through its 130-year history.

Supporting Missouri Girls Town
Kansas City Athenaeum received the annual Virginia Oliver Award at the GFWC of Missouri Convention in 2023 and 2024 in recognition of donations to Missouri Girls Town. The 2024 award presentation was followed by our $11,000 donation in our commitment of continuing support. Missouri Girls Town helps girls who have been victims of abuse by providing therapeutic services and education to empower them to reach their full potential.

Pawsperity Tour
Kansas City Athenaeum members toured Pawsperity in March 2024. We donated $5,000 in 2022 toward its expansion efforts, originally called The Grooming Project and now known as Pawsperity. The organization is the country's only nonprofit grooming school that trains single parents to earn certification as pet groomers. Pawsperity is dedicated to helping families uplift themselves from generational poverty.
Our tour sprouted an Athenaeum project where members later made 335 doggie scarves that were delivered to Pawsperity in April. Enthusiasm for this project has inspired adding this effort to our list of ongoing philanthropic projects.

Women's History Month
In recognition of Women's History Month, the Kansas City Athenaeum co-sponsored a presentation with the Kansas City Public Library in March 2024 where Dr. Carmaletta Williams spoke about the history of Black women’s struggles for suffrage and equal rights. She enlightened attendees on efforts made by Black suffragists across the nation, like Ida B. Wells, Frances Ellen Watkins and Mary Church Terrell. Dr. Williams' presentation also included Kansas Citians such as Naomi Bowman Becks, Minnie Crosthwaite and Josephine Yates who contributed locally in the suffrage movement.
Dr. Williams is CEO of the Black Archives of Mid-America.

123rd Annual Brunch
Continuing a long-held tradition, Kansas City Athenaeum members and guests gathered for our 123rd Annual Brunch in March 2024. Our guest speaker was Jessica O'Donnell, Executive Director of Lazarus Ministries. This is one of the 45 nonprofit organizations that received an Athenaeum donation in 2023. Lazarus Ministries offers unlimited compassion while providing free meals, clothing, and personal care items for the unmet needs of Kansas City's urban core.

Veterans Community Project
Kansas City Athenaeum donated $10,000 to the Veterans Community Project in March 2024, continuing our support for a fourth year in sponsoring one of the 49 tiny homes in the VCP Village in Kansas City. Our donation covers the costs of a veteran's case management, health care, furnishings, utilities and household goods for one year. The Veterans Community Project offers veterans a safe haven to transition toward financial stability, independence, and permanent housing.

Museum Tour
Kansas City Athenaeum members and guests toured the Johnson County Museum in February 2024. The museum preserves history that includes maps and artifacts prior to Kansas statehood through the early days of incorporating the suburban municipalities in Johnson County. The building also preserves a 1950s electric model home. Touring the home stirred nostalgic memories of parents’ and grandparents’ homes from that era.

Holiday Gifts
Helping hands and giving hearts encourages our members to reach out to meet community needs. During the December 2023 holiday season, handmade baby hats and blankets were delivered to University Health Truman Medical Center for its newborn care needs. True Light Family Resource Center received 20 shopping gift cards to be given as Christmas gifts to families receiving assistance at its facility. In addition, Athenaeum members sewed 116 pillowcases for The Sewing Labs. This was the fourth year for our members to participate in the annual Sweet Dreams for Seniors Pillowcase Project.

Donation to The Rabbit hOle
Kansas City Athenaeum made a $5,000 donation in November 2023 to The Rabbit hOle in North Kansas City, enabling the purchase of a Risograph Printer. The Rabbit hOle will open in March 2024, bringing to life a century of American children's literature for visitors of all ages. The Risograph Printer will be a key piece of equipment for the Print Shop and Story Lab, offering youth a unique experience of printing their personal stories and illustrations into books.

Veterans Community Project Tour
Kansas City Athenaeum members toured the Veterans Community Project in October 2023. We have annually sponsored one of the 49 tiny homes in the VCP village since January 2021. The naming bricks surrounding their flagpole commemorate our four $10,000 donations along with others who are participating in Team 49. The Veterans Community Project offers veterans a safe haven to transition toward independence and financial stability.

REHOPE Over the Edge Fundraiser
Kansas City Athenaeum has remarkable members, including one adventurous member willing to rappel from the 14-story Overland Park Marriott at the REHOPE "Over the Edge" fundraiser. Kansas City Athenaeum gave a sponsorship donation for the October 2023 event where 65 brave rappelers went "Over the Edge" to raise funds benefitting REHOPE Farms in Harrisonville, Missouri, which provides housing and treatment for women and children rescued from human trafficking.

GFWC National Day of Service
Kansas City Athenaeum members and guests met for a chili luncheon in collaboration with the GFWC National Day of Service. General Federation of Women's Clubs across the nation conducted projects on September 30, 2023, to recognize the American crisis of food insecurity. Our local effort collected 389 cans of food and $120 cash donations for the Central Presbyterian Church food pantry where our luncheon was held. Our meal served chili, cole slaw and cookies inspired by books promoting low-cost nutritional recipes for those subsisting on public support.